GLOBAL PLAYERS- Deutsche und japanische Kunst der Gegenwart
.Japanese Artist: No.11
"aqual-ung channel" "aqua-lung mountain-2"
45x45x60cm , 90x30x30cm 2005

Shiro Matsui

1960...Born in NARA, JAPAN
1984...Kyoto City University of Arts B.A., Department of Sculpture
1986...Kyoto City University of Arts M.A., Department of Sculpture

Solo Exhibition
1997..."ESTUDIO" Galeria Helga de Alvear, Madrid, Spain
......."sky exit" Shinanobashi Gallery, Osaka
1996..."scale down" Hakutosha, Nagoya
1995...Wewerka Pavilion, Munster, Germany
.......Tokyo Gallery, Tokyo
.......Gallery KURANUKI, Osaka
.......Shinanobashi Gallery, Osaka
......."Tunnel in Blue" Hakutosha, Nagoya
1994...Stadtgalerie Saarbrucken, Germany
1993...Galerie Carla Stutzer, Koln, Germany
1992...Tokyo Gallery, Tokyo
.......Gallery KURANUKI, Osaka
1991...Shinanobashi Gallery, Osaka
......."Art Tank Vol.4" KIRIN PLAZA OSAKA
1990...Osaka Prefectural Contemporary Art Center, Osaka
.......Gallery KURANUKI, Osaka
......."90's THE NINETIES Vol.21" Gallery Kobayashi, Tokyo
1989...Gallery 16, Kyoto
.......Mohley Gallery, Osaka
1988...Shinanobashi Gallery, Osaka
1987...Muramatsu Gallery, Tokyo
.......Shinanobashi Gallery, Osaka
1985...Shinanobashi Gallery, Osaka
.......Art Space Niji, Kyoto
1983...Gallery Suzuki, Kyoto


Group Exhibition
2005....GLOBAL PLAYERS in BankART1929,Yokohama
1998..."Kunst Spur" Kunst in der Stadt Ahlen und in den Raumen der Stadt Galerie Ahlen, .......Germany
......."Art/Ecosystem" Utsunomiya Museum of Art, Tochigi
......."Inside / Outside" The Niigata Orefectural Museum of Modern Art, Niigata
1997..."Dream of Existence" Kiscelli Museum, Budapest, Hungary
......."future recollections" Kyoto Municipal Museum of Art, Kyoto
......."Pavillon-nichit alltagliche orte in Munchen" Cafe Luitpold, Munich, Germany
1996..."Kind of Blue" Hakutosha, Nagoya
1995..."l'oiseau enchanteur des cieux" Tatsuike elementary school, Kyoto
1994..."PIANO" Galerie Carla Stutzer, Koln, Germany
......."Today's Drawings" Shinanobashi Gallery, Osaka
......."Drawings" Gallery KURANUKI, Osaka
......."Harvest'94" Haus Bockdorf, Kempen, Germany
......."Harvest-Yoshitomo Nara, Shiro Matsui" Hakutosha, Nagoya
1993..."Space and Sculpture" Ashiya City Museum of Arts
......."Harvest'93" Haus Bockdorf, Kempen, Germany
......."The Coming Generation of Young Artists" Kyoto Prefectural Hall, Kyoto
1992..."Osaka Triennale" My Dome Osaka, Osaka
1991..."1991-Winter-MURAMATSU" Muramatsu Gallery, Tokyo
......."Relief-Sculpture" Gallery ARIES, Tokyo
......."Neo Baroque-Shiro Matsui and Atsuko Ara Joint Exhibition" SPAIRAL GARDEN, Tokyo
......."A Hybrid Garden-Six Contemporary Artists in Japan" BIGI ART SPACE, Kyoto
......."The Coming Generation of Young Artists" Kyoto Prefectural Hall
1990..."Japanese Contemporary Sculpture 1970-1990" Kanagawa Prefectural Hall
......."Inside Eye" Tokyo Art Center; Kyoto Art Center, Kyoto
......."The Silent Dialogue-Japanese and Western Still Life" Shizuoka Prefectural Museum, .......Shizuoka
......."JAPANISCHE KUNST DER 80er JAHRE" Frankfruter Kunstverein, Germany, etc.
......."1990 Eight Artists Show" ABC Gallery, Osaka
......."Art Now 80's" Hyogo Prefectural Museum of Modern Arts
1989..."Yamamura Collection" Hyogo Prefectural Museum of Modern Arts
......."Selected Artists of the Kansai Area" Kyoto City Museum of Arts
......."The Coming Generation of Young Artists" Kyoto Prefectural Hall
......."Three Artists Show" Tokyo Gallery, Tokyo
1988..."Two-Man" Gallery La Pola, Osaka
......."BIO-STRUCTION" Gallery Taka, Kyoto
1987..."Japanese Clay Sculpture from the 1950's to the Present" Gifu Prefectural Museum of .......Fine Arts, Gigu
......."Object" Tsukashin Hall, Hyogo
......."Sculpture Today" Yamaguchi Prefectural Museum, Yamaguchi
1986..."Arts and Crafts Selective Exhibition of Kyoto" Kyoto Prefectural Hall
......."Clay Work Exhibition" Seibu Otsu Hall, Shiga
......."Osaka Art Fair" Osaka Prefectural Contemporary Art Center, Osaka
......."Contemporary Japanese Art, The New Generation" Miyagi Prefectural Museum of Fine .......Arts, Miyagi
......."Selected Artists of the Kansai Area" Kyoto City Museum of Arts, kyoto
1985..."Seven Artists" Shinanobashi Gallery, Osaka
......."85 Hinuma" Hinuma, Ibaraki
......."The Critical Point in Art ヤ85" Muramatsu Gallery, Tokyo
......."Art Now 85" Hyogo Prefectural Museum of Modern Arts, Hyogo
......."Selected Artists of The Kansai Area" Kyoto City Museum of Arts, Kyoto
1984..."Fujiyama Geisha" Kyoto City University of Arts; Tokyo University of Arts
......."Two-Man Show" Shinanobashi Gallery, Osaka
......."Ushimado International Art Festival" Ushimado Olive Garden
......."Mode Beyond Formalism" Gallery 16, Kyoto
......."Arts and Crafts Selective Exhibition of Kyoto" Kyoto Prefectural Hall, Kyoto
1983..."Kyoto Arts Exhibition" Kyoto Prefectural Hall, Kyoto
......."Fujiyama Geisha" Kyoto City University of Arts; Tokyo University of Arts, Kyoto
......."Art Network" Ryo Gallery, Kyoto
......."New Art Scene in Kansai" Osaka Prefectural Contemporary Art Center, Osaka

1983...Kyoto Art Exhibition Prize
1989..."The Coming Generation of Young Artists" Exhibition Grand Prize
1992...Gotoh Memorial Foundation Award
1993...Takashimaya Charitable Trust for Art and Culture Award
1998...Kyoto prefectural
.......Kyoto City

Public Collection
Agency for Cultural Affairs




1999...「Shadow Casting」信濃橋画廊、大阪
1998....Galerie Carla Stutzer、ケルン、ドイツ
............「Shadow Casting」白土舎、名古屋
1997...「sky exit」信濃橋画廊、大阪
............ ESTUDIO, Galeria Helga de Alvear、マドリッド、スペイン
1996 「scale down」白土舎、名古屋
1995....ヴェヴェルカ パビリオン、ミュンスター、ドイツ
............ 東京画廊、東京
............ ケルン日本文化会館、ドイツ(with Karin Sander)
............ Galerie Carla Stutzer、ケルン、ドイツ
............ 信濃橋画廊、大阪
............ 「Tunnel in Blue」白土舎、名古屋
............ ギャラリーKURANUKI、大阪
     「ART TANK Vol.4」キリンプラザ大阪、大阪
1990 「今日の作家展」大阪府立現代美術センター、大阪
............「90' S THE NINETIES Vol.21」コバヤシ画廊、東京
1985 信濃橋画廊、大阪
1983 ギャラリーすずき、京都

1998 「Kunst-Spur」アーレン、ドイツ
1997 「Dream of Existence」Kiscelli Museum、ブタペスト、ハンガリー
............「Pavillon」Cafe Luitpold、ミュンヘン、ドイツ
1996 「Kind of Blue」白土舎、名古屋
1995 『芸術祭典京造形部門「小鳥は大地を想像する」』元 龍池小学校、京都
1994 「PIANO 」ギャラリーカーラスティッツア、ケルン、ドイツ
............「HARVEST'94」ハウスボックドルフ ケンペン、ドイツ
1993 「空間と彫刻」芦屋市立美術博物館、兵庫
............「HARVEST'93」ハウスボックドルフ ケンペン、ドイツ
1992 「大阪彫刻トリエンナーレ」マイドーム大阪、大阪
1991 「1991・冬・MURAMATSU」村松画廊、東京
............「レリーフ・スカルプチュア三態」Gallery ARIES、東京
1990 『現代彫刻の歩。「1970年以降の表現ー物質と空間の変容」』神奈川県民ホール、神奈川
............「INSIDE EYE 氈v東京銀座アートセンター、京都アートセンター
............「ART NOW-関西の80年代」兵庫県立近代美術館、兵庫
1989 「幻の山村コレクション展」兵庫県立近代美術館、兵庫
1988 「二人展」ギャラリー ラ・ポーラ、大阪
1987 「土と炎展」岐阜県美術館、岐阜
1986 「京都府美術工芸選抜展」京都府立文化芸術会館、京都
............「第4回 大阪現代アートフェア」大阪府現代美術センター、大阪
............「現代日本の美術3 新世代の作家たち」宮城県美術館、宮城
1985 「ART NOW'85」兵庫県立近代美術館、兵庫
1984 「方法の現在展」ギャラリー16、京都
1983 「ART NETWORK'83 」梁画廊、京都
............「NEW ART SCENE IN KANSAI」大阪府立現代美術センター、大阪

1983 京都美術展 奨励賞
1989 次代を担う作家展 大賞
1992 第3回五島記念文化賞 美術新人賞
1993 第4回タカシマヤ文化基金 新鋭作家奨励賞 
1998 京都府文化賞奨励賞

